ASP/ADO.Net C# 실무 과정 자료] ASP.NET Compilation model









ASP/ADO.Net C# 실무 과정 자료] ASP.NET Compilation model

실무개발자를위한 실무교육 전문교육센터학원에 오시면 보다 다양한 강좌를 보실 수 있습니다.


ASP.NET Compilation model

■ ASP.NET compiles code on demand based on source code dependencies
  - ASP.NET compiles .ASPX files once and caches the resultant DLL


  - If source file(s) newer than cached DLL, a new compilation takes place and the new DLL is cached


  - If source file(s) not newer than cached DLL, the cached DLL is used


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